I went there in August, this summer, with my family (my dad, my mum and my younger sister). Some friends let us stay in their house while they were in Barcelona. It was very big and very different from ours! We went to the Eiffel Tower, we visited parks, we walked along the river Seine, we went to a famous cemetery called "Père-Lachaise"...
Now, I'm going to show you some photos. I took a lot of them, so I will just show you the highlights. After that feel free to ask me any questions!
When we first went into the house I took this photo of In this other photo you can see
the view from the entrace, because it was such a different the Eiffel Tower, but it's not the
building! It had a very high ceiling and there was a typical photo of the tower because spiral staircase which went up to the top floor (there you can see it from below, it was
were about four or five floors). We were all the time awesome!
going up and down!
Here, I'm with my sister in Père-Lachaise. It was very big! We also saw Oscar Wilde's tomb.
Hope you've enjoyed!